In 2015, a friend lost his son to heroin. About the same time, I started working with "troubled" youth in our small Ohio town. Both experiences brought me face-to-face with the devastation of addiction and mental health issues facing our communities, especially our youth. I knew from experience how exercise helped me with my own addiction and mental health struggles. I had to act!
We meet (currently 8 locations) regularly to help those struggling with addiction or mental health issues live a healthier lifestyle! Meetings typically last 60-90 minutes and we support and include all fitness levels. Each group has some running and some walking.
Our Mission
We help people develop healthier lifestyles with the objective of better mental health. We’re open to all but our focus is with those struggling with substance abuse or mental health issues.
Lead regular group run/walks.
Provide free shoes and race entries; once people have come to three meetings.
Provide free exercise classes.
Are open to all and we do not distinguish between those seeking help and those wishing to help.
Operate under the simple principle that we all have issues and we all have the responsibility to contribute.
“Exercising with Running2bwell helps me
feel better and better about myself!”
What We've Achieved
1200+ people helped
8 active locations
Averaging 130+ people/week
40+ mentors trained
Hosted 7 local 5Ks to celebrate people’s fitness journeys