I’m facing some potentially significant health problems. No need to go into the details here because we all face issues and I don’t have all the information just yet. But, I did want to share an encouraging word that came from one of the nurses today.
After my procedure, we were chatting and I mentioned our group (most people that meet me learn all about Running2bwell). I was expressing disappointment to have these current struggles because I take pretty good care of myself and I know life’s not fair but… She quickly responded that my good health will be instrumental to my recovery. Wow, I knew this but she really helped keep things in perspective.
There are no guarantees for a long and healthy life, no matter how good of shape I’m in. The results are never up to me. The point is to do what I can to improve the chances for success.
I’ll continue to do the next right thing, make decisions that improve my chances for a positive outcome. I’ll learn to accept the things I can’t change (like the past) and gain the strength to change the things I can (like my present actions). I need to focus on what I can control and not waste valuable time and energy on the things I can’t.
What things do you need to let go of trying to control?
What things can you do today to improve your chances tomorrow?